On the usage of the word God
I am a Christian. My idea of God is very different from say a Hindu, yet the Hindu also uses the word God to describe the Creator entity in his religion. Now it can be said though my Creator share some characteristic as the Hindu one that is they were believed to have created the World and Universe but their other characteristics are so different that they cannot be considered one and the same. The question is whether I have the right to prevent the Hindu from using the word 'God' in describing his 'God' just because I didn't think that his 'God' was the same as mine and because I am of the opinion that his 'God' was not true? Now if we extrapolate to the current issue bedevilling Malaysians. I believe in Moses, Aaron, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, David, and Solomon. Now the Muslim may quibble with me whether Jesus was divine or just a prophet and I will disagree with him regarding the when the time of the prophets ended. But we share more similar...